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Home Jnr Science Biology
Year 8

Making a Periodic Tile

Chemical Symbol (i.e. iron is Fe)

Elements name (i.e. Iron)

Picture of its atomic structure

Elements state at room temperature (solid)

Elements melting point (1,538 degrees Celsius)

Elements boiling point (2,862 deg C)

Metal or non-metal (metal)

Stable or reactive

2 chemical (i.e. reactive with water)

2 physical properties (i.e. shiny or dull)

What group is it in (iron is in transition metals group)

What are the similarities between the elements in the group (transition metals are placed in the middle, between groups 2 and 3. They are generally hard, dense and less reactive than alkali metals. They form coloured compounds and are malleable)

2 uses of this metal in the modern world, and explain why it is used. Draw a picture of its use (Iron is used to make steel)

Bellow is a possible design

In pairs you need to design a tile on the periodic table. You will be given a number, and that number will correspond to an element on the periodic table.

On the tile you should include the following information: